Home » Pollen and Allergy » Chenopodiaceae Amarantaceae

Chenopodiaceae Amarantaceae

Within this group, there are edible plants, such as spinach, chard or beetroot. The most typical representatives in this group from an allergologic point of view are:

Lamb’s quarter (Chenopodium Album) A plant that flowers between May and December, mainly in barren lands, ditches, near stables, gardens and areas wher vegetables are grown.

Russian tistle (Salsola Kali) A plant that flowers in July and August, mainly in plowed lands, fallow lands, and beaches.

The pollen of Chenopodiaceae and Amarantaceae are indistinguishable with an optical microscope. They have a small pollen (10-28 µm of diameter), with a lot of pores that give it a “golf ball” appearance.

* Photos (c) Laboratorios LETI, S.L.
** Photos (c) Menarini, S.A. – Hospital Clínico de Barcelona