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The need for an allergologic examination in infants and young children with wheezing

In a study published in the Journal of the Japanese Society of Allergy (Arerugi) last June, authors investigated whether, in infants and young children who experienced their first episode of wheezing, abnormal findings of allergological examination were present and could predict the development of asthma. They noticed that these children had higher levels in some parameters (i.e. eosinophils, IgE, etc.) than normal children. But additionally, during the follow-up period of one year and 9 months on average, the incidence of wheezing episodes was also significantly higher in the patients with those previous high parameters.


Frequency of allergy doubled along a 12 year period

In a study published in The Lancet last August 31st, authors analysed serum samples from 859 15 to 80 year old Greenlanders who participated in two screening campaings in 1987 and in 1998.
The conclusion is that the frequency of allergy almost doubled in Greenland along a 12 year period.